Farewell 2016, hello 2017!
Monday, January 16, 2017
Hello again and happy new year to you all - we made it!!!
I hope you've all had an amazing year like I did, and looking forward to the forthcoming year. I apologise for severely neglecting my blog, everything has been so hectic ever since I moved to university and I haven't been able to gather any free time. This year, I'm aspiring to post more blog posts and I have a couple of exciting fashion posts coming (OOTD's and lookbooks) as I have been splurging out on a new closet (although my bank account is frowning at me right now).
2016 has been the year of growth and realisation. I feel as if I've never grown and matured so much in the space of 365 days. Personally, I admire the days I lived last year as I've blossomed and I couldn't be any prouder of myself. Starting with the most basic achievement in January, I passed my driving test with flying colours the first time round! A few months later, I went through a rough patch during exams due to the accumulated stress and I couldn't be more relieved when I found out I got into university with an ABB! I met people who are such a huge part of me today, and lost a few who I wish all the best for.
The few remaining months of 2016, I have found so much happiness and confidence within myself that I have realised that I don't need to rely on anyone for it. For you to develop and extend your mind, you need to find contentless within yourself and be confident. My aims for this year include becoming wiser and making smarter decisions. I haven't always been thoughtful and grateful towards others - I don't really know why. But looking back, I definitely feel to become more a mediative individual.
I hope you all make this year a fab one, and hello to 2017!
Love Shelly x